I Capture the Castle

I had just started reading “I Capture the Castle” a few days ago. After a few chapters, I found out that there’s something in the novel had drawn me to it, prompting me to find out what happened in the end. First of all, I had to say that novel is a thick one! It took me quite a long time to finish reading it, but I managed to finish reading it, only with my constant reading of it. But I was more than glad to read it. I can’t actually describe the story, but I can give an overview of it. So here it goes… The story was about a girl, Cassandra who lived with her family in a castle and she soon discovered herself falling in love with the new neighbours that came settled in Scoatney. What seems so simple actually has a complicated plot hidden within. Honestly saying, this is a romance novel that has a twist to it. Halfway through the story, I was still wondering who was actually Cassandra falling for, and I doubt myself if I can ever guess it correctly. This novel is not all about her though, it’s also about getting her writer father to write again since the family was broke and their future was not very promising. But I have to say I was very sad at some part of the story as I had hoped Cassandra to fall for the other guy in the story. Unfortunately this is not the case and I have to accept it (if you have read it, then you can guess that I am hoping that Cassandra to be with Stephen ). I’m glad to have read it and I owe this to the booktuber “bookswithdylan” because he’s the one that recommend this fantastic book! I bought this stunning edition from Kinokuniya and I’m so much in love with the cover, it’s just portrayed or should I say captured every detail mentioned in the story beautifully. I found this edition in the Children’s corner and I think it’s published by Vintage Children’s Classics. Dodie Smith indeed too had done her job well! Here’s the pictures (it has about 570 pages):

Book cover of

Book cover of “I Capture the Castle”-published by Random House

Book cover of

If ever you feel like reading this novel, then I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

Pushing Daisies

If you haven’t watch any of the episodes of Pushing Daisies, then you might want to get yourself to start watching the first episode. Pushing Daisies is a comedy drama and as you can see, it tells the love story between Ned and Chuck. The production is vibrant as it is full of colours which I like it so so much. Ned is gifted, he has the ability to bring back the dead, but whenever he brings back one, another must die. If you are wondering how he brings back the dead, then I’m not telling you, you gonna watch for youself ( haha, I don’t want to be the spoiler, but I bet you can guess it from the name ). So one day he brings back Chuck from dead, and because Chuck has no where to go, she stays with him. And time passes by and soon they find themselves falling for each other but they cannot be like a normal couple because if Ned touches her for the second time, Chuck will be dead. So if you are wondering what happen next, then find out yourself! Oh, and this TV series is getting a reboot so I’m quite excited about it. Another thing is I think Chuck is quite alike with Zooey Deschanel, so if you like New Girl, I guess I would recommend Pushing Daisies to you.

Pushing Daisies-Ned and Chuck Pushing Daisies-Ned and Chuck I bake pie and wake the dead